July 16, 2021

Smart Homes – what’s all the noise about?

As you’d expect with the continued advances in internet, Wi-Fi connectivity and smart devices it was only going to lead to an increase in smart devices around the home. With hundreds of brands and devices to choose from it really can be a minefield and we’ll mention a few of the better systems that we’ve seen.

So what counts as a smart device? In the home environment it generally means a device that is connected to the internet or your network in some way that allows you to manage or control it or send it instructions. Some simple examples would an Amazon Echo smart speaker which you can ask questions and it will give an answer based on it’s ability to find the information quickly.

“Alexa turn on the dining room light” for example would turn on the main light in the dining room assuming it had a smart bulb in it.


“OK Google tell me a joke” should give you a few minutes entertainment.

But Amazon and Google of course aren’t the only ones in the market. We have seen everything from Doorbells (Ring or Nest for example) CCTV, Microwaves, Fridges, Ovens, Thermostats, Lighting, Vacuum Cleaners, Lawn Mowers, Wi-Fi plugs, Window Shutters and many other devices. A few of our customers have recently had their houses renovated (as have many during lockdown) and are now enjoying the use of Miele smart ovens and the Miele@Home ecosystem. This allows them to control various devices around their home such as kettles, microwave cookers or the oven all from an app on a device or using smart speaker controls.

At home we’ve seen the introduction of Hive smart heating systems which easily allow us to set the heating controls, ideal for making sure the house is warm enough when we get home from a long day on site. We’ve seen security companies come up with smart alarms which are controlled through an app or Door locks that work off finger print sensors or Near Field Communication NFC from your phone or an access card. TP Link now have a range of smart plugs that allow you to remotely switch on or off a device connected to it, great for the environment as well!

The key to getting the most efficient use of any smart home technology is planning it well, installing it properly (or getting an approved installer to do it for you) and embracing it to make your life that little bit easier. You can simply start with something small and end up controlling your whole home from it if you wanted to, the options are endless and you’ll have lots of fun along the way we promise you!

If you’d like to know more about Smart Home technology then please feel to message, email or call us and we’ll happily talk you through some options or demonstrate them to you.


Thanks for reading.

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